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Invoice with Tax Calculation Template

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Invoice Template in Excel with Tax Computation Field by FormatWorks. Download now and start using.




If you are looking for business invoice template with all the required fields and a separate field to show the tax rate and amount of tax on the supply of goods and service, this template can be a good start.
Features of Invoice with Tax Calculation

Business Invoice include tax portion on the supply of services and goods. Tax rates and tax nomenclature might vary based on the place of supply and legal compliances. For example, in India – Goods and Service Tax (GST) is applicable. In United Arab Emirates (UAE), Value added tax (VAT) is applicable.

This invoice template comes with Field to compute tax so that you can invoice full amount (including tax) to your client. Apart from tax computation, this invoice template helps you capture the following information as well:

  • Company information, logo and address
  • Name and address of your client
  • Date of invoice
  • Invoice number
  • Terms and Condition or any other Footer Note
  • Rate of tax applicable.
  • Total value of service or goods (including tax)

You can customize this template as per your requirement and preferences. This is available in Excel format. However, it is compatible with Numbers, Google Sheets and Spreadsheet software.

Download Instructions

Follow the download instructions below, if you need any assistance. You can download this template for free and start customizing or using it. All the templates, resources, formats and designs are free of cost. However, By downloading this template, you also accept our terms of use policy and privacy policy.

Once you download this template, by default, the file/ folder extension will be compressed (zip). You will require decompressing software to get all the template files. You can use 7ZIP, WINRAR etc. Also, ensure that you have the appropriate software installed on your system for the file type you are downloading (e.g., Microsoft Office for DOCX and XLSX files, a PDF reader for PDF files). Now, Right-click on the template file you’ve downloaded and Select “Open With” from the context menu.

You can choose the relevant software/application to open the file. For DOCX files, use a word processing application (e.g., Microsoft Word). For XLSX files, use a spreadsheet application (e.g., Microsoft Excel). For PDF files, use a PDF reader (e.g., Adobe Acrobat). Alternatively, you can double-click on the template file, and it will open in the default application associated with that file type on your system.

If you encounter any issues, ensure your software is up-to-date or consider using an alternative application that supports the file type.

Picture of FormatWorks
FormatWorks Inc. offers free designs, templates, formats and layouts for various personal and business use cases. Our aim is to deliver resources free of cost. You can get templates for presentation, spreadsheet, CV/ Resume, agreements and more.

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