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Non Profit Invoice Template

NGO INGO Invoice Format In Excel, Spreadsheet and Numbers for free.




If you are working as a Non Profit Organization, Social Impact Organization and looking for an invoice template to implement in your business, you can refer this excel template. This template provides editable fields to capture all the details for your business, client’s information and other details.
Features of Non Profit Invoice

Whether you are a non profit organization (NGO) or INGO or any social impact organization, working for supply of service or material to generate some level of secondary income to manage your operational needs – you will need an invoicing solution.

Let us understand this with an example, suppose a non profit organization works for betterment of women in a certain tribal community. Now, one source of fund can be “Donations” or “Charity”, however, non-profit organization can take another route as well. They can inspire women to create artifacts, clay designs, decorative or any other product which can be sold in the market. This will help non-profit to self sustain and create social awareness and impact – both at the same time. This might not be the approach for all the non-profits however, most of the non profits are taking similar approaches. In such cases, you will have to invoice your customer for purchase of your product or any other similar social impact services.

Since, non-profits are not cost heavy when it comes to accumulating infra and implementing technology in their operational activity, they cannot right way implement billing software. That is when, this template or similar invoice templates come into picture.

This excel template for invoice helps you capture the following information:

  • Date, Invoice number, Customer ID, Purchase Order, Payment due date
  • Name of customer, address, phone number and other details
  • Description of supply of service or material (as the case may be)
  • Special notes, instructions and terms and conditions
  • Sales sub-total, sales tax, tax amount, discounts (if any) and total invoice value
  • Footer section for Thank you message and other details

Since, this template is fully customizable, you can add, remove or modify the sections as per your requirement.

Download Instructions

Follow the download instructions below, if you need any assistance. You can download this template for free and start customizing or using it. All the templates, resources, formats and designs are free of cost. However, By downloading this template, you also accept our terms of use policy and privacy policy.

Once you download this template, by default, the file/ folder extension will be compressed (zip). You will require decompressing software to get all the template files. You can use 7ZIP, WINRAR etc. Also, ensure that you have the appropriate software installed on your system for the file type you are downloading (e.g., Microsoft Office for DOCX, PPTX and XLSX files, a PDF reader for PDF files). Now, Right-click on the template file you’ve downloaded and Select “Open With” from the context menu.

You can choose the relevant software/application to open the file. For DOCX files, use a word processing application (e.g., Microsoft Word or any other document reader). For XLSX files, use a spreadsheet application (e.g., Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets or Spreadsheet or Apple Numbers). For PDF files, use a PDF reader (e.g., Adobe Acrobat). For PPTX files, use a presentation software like Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides or Prezi or even upload it to Canva and use it. Alternatively, you can double-click on the template file, and it will open in the default application associated with that file type on your system.

If you encounter any issues, ensure your software is up-to-date or consider using an alternative application that supports the file type.

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